The Number One Killer of Women – Part 1
Heart disease is ranked as the leading cause of death in women. Many women, however, will often not recognize the warning signs of Coronary heart disease (CHD) until their health and lives are in extreme danger.
Here are some FAQs to help you stay informed and in better control.
Why is CHD in women under-detected and under-diagnosed?
Research indicates that a majority of women do not recognize the signs of a heart attack, therefore, there is a delay in seeking treatment. Women are more likely than men to have silent symptoms of heart disease, which make it challenging to know when there’s an issue.
Which CHD risk factors are more significant in women than in men?
Generally, women have the same risk factors for heart disease as men do. However, some risk factors are inherent to women including obesity, hypertension, oral contraceptive pills, estrogen deficiencies, polycystic ovary syndrome, postmenopausal state, and breast cancer treatment.
Why is CHD sometimes a more serious condition in women than in men?
The reasons for this will vary but most are linked to lack of recognition of symptoms or signs of heart disease and subsequent delay in getting the much-needed treatment.
How is CHD treatment and prevention different between women and men?
Consistent studies reveal the disparities in receiving care in men and women when they seek medical help for cardiac problems. When it comes to preventative care, women are more likely to be assigned to a lower risk category and are less likely to be advised about their risk factors than men.
Women are also less likely to be diagnosed correctly or treated with life-saving treatments like heparin, ACE inhibitors and emergent cardiac catheterization as compared to men.
Prevention, early and accurate diagnosis and treatment are quite essential in reducing coronary heart disease. Work with the physicians at Carolina Heart and Leg Center, P.A. to manage your risk factors and fight the disease.
At Carolina Heart And Leg Center, P.A., we are known for our dedication to providing the highest quality cardiovascular care. We’re also committed to helping you take better care of yourself through preventive care and education about healthy lifestyle choices.
Contact us today at (910) 491-1760 to schedule a consultation with one of the most trusted healthcare teams in the area.